Governing Body statement in relation to Special Educational Needs
At Heathwood Lower School, we are committed to developing and offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all of our pupils whatever their needs and abilities. Our school believes that every pupil has an entitlement to develop his/her full potential. Inclusion recognises a child’s right to a broad, balanced, relevant and challenging curriculum that is appropriate to their individual abilities, needs, talents and personal qualities. We aim to work in true partnership with parents/carers and pupils to make learning exciting and positive for all of us. Diversity and difference is valued as a rich resource that supports the learning of all. Our school understands it’s responsibility to actively promote positive attitudes towards diversity and difference – not just so that every child is included, but also so that they learn from the earliest age to value diversity in others and grow up making a positive contribution to society. We believe in equality of opportunity; with all children having access not only to the taught curriculum, but also to the many enrichment activities we offer.
The school’s policies on Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Gifted & Talented take account of both current national legislation and the Local Authority’s guidance. The school has both a Special Educational Needs Coordinator, (SENDCo) and a Gifted & Talented Coordinator.
Specialist Language Provision
Our school has a specialist Language Provision which provides places for children with an Education Health and Care Plan which identifies Speech & Language as their primary need. This comprises of the SENDCo, who is responsible for the Language Provision, two Teaching Assistants and a part-time Speech and Language Therapist. The children are fully integrated with their year group and receive support from the Language Provision Team both in the classroom and on a withdrawal basis.
Our school has a Disability Equality Scheme which is a plan of how, over time, we intend to make our school more inclusive for all those involved in our school community.
Admission Arrangements
The school adheres to the Local Authority’s Admission Policy and therefore has no special admission arrangements for limiting or promoting access for pupils with SEND who are without an Education Health and Care Plan.