Heathwood Lower School Leighton Buzzard

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Equal Opportunities Statement of commitment

Heathwood Lower School and the Governing body are committed to a policy of equality and aims to ensure that no employee, job applicant, child or other member of our school community is treated less favourably on grounds of sex, race, colour, ethnic background, marital status, age, sexual orientation, disability or religious belief.

Any behaviour, comments or attitudes that undermine or threaten an individual's self-esteem on these grounds will not be tolerated. We aim to provide equal access to high quality educational opportunities and to ensure that everyone feels that they are a valued member of our school community. We seek to provide a safe and happy environment where cultural diversity is celebrated and where we can all flourish and achieve our full potential.

We aim to empower our children to make informed choices so that they are better prepared for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life in a modern world. 

All members of our school community are responsible for promoting our equal opportunity policy and are obliged to respect and act in accordance with it.

Equality Objectives 

1.   To promote cultural understanding and awareness of different religious beliefs between different ethnic groups within our school community.

2.   To monitor and promote the involvement of all groups of children in the extra-curricular life of the school, especially vulnerable groups including children with special educational needs.

3.   To close gaps in attainment and achievement between all groups of children; especially boys and girls, children eligible for free school meals, children with special educational needs and disabilities, looked after children and children from different heritage groups.

4.   To endeavour to ensure that the staff body is reflective of the local community.

5.   To eradicate any homophobic, sexist and racist language in the school and support the broader community.


Disability, Equality and Accessibility Plan

As we employ less than 250 staff, we are not required to report our gender pay gap.