Heathwood Lower School Leighton Buzzard

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Diary dates



2nd Y2 Trip to Roald Dahl Museum

3rd Tag Rugby event (KS2) 1-4pm.

4th Harvest Festival 2.30 -3.20pm

7Th Class R Vision Screening

8th Virtual Parents Evening.

10th Virtual Parents Evening.

17th KS1 & KS2 Run for Fun.

24th 9a.m. Maths Workshop for Parents


28th - 1st  Half Term



5th 9 a.m. Phonics Workshop for Parents

7th Flu Vaccinations

7th Yr 3/4 Cluster Festival

11th Yr4 Remembrance Service

15th Children in Need 

21st Yr 3/4 Sports Hall Athletics

29th Awe and Wonder Day