Heathwood Lower School Leighton Buzzard

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Meet the Governors

Paula Bangs

Paula is currently the Chair of Governors. Prior to this, she had been a Community Governor and Parent Governor with a long standing association and interest in the wellbeing and direction of the School community. Paula is a joint director and owner of three local businesses, one of which has been established for over 30 years. Paula thoroughly enjoys her involvement with Heathwood, which she considers to be a vibrant, thriving and flourishing school and she is proud to be its Chair.

Jim Whitaker 

Jim Whitaker joined as a governor in February 2024. He has lived locally since 1976 and has had two children and 2 grandchildren attend Heathwood School. Jim is the Vice Chair of Governors

He was, when his children were at the school, an active member of the PTA and served as the chairperson for several years.

He has now retired from his own training company and now wants to give time back to the community, particularly Heathwood School.

From his knowledge of training, he is able to offer H & S training on several subjects to School Employees and liaise with other members of the governing body on Health and Safety matters in the school.


Susanne Dove 

Susanne started teaching in 1987. She has more than 35 years of experience in education; teaching in London, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire and Central Bedfordshire. She has been a senior leader for more than 10 years, nearly 9 as Headteacher at Heathwood. She is currently retired.

Eugenia Kidd 

Eugenia joined as a parent governor in October 2023. She is a civil servant working for the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and previously a librarian working for the British Library and Imperial College London as the Head Librarian for the Department for Civil Engineering and Transport. She has experience in government policy, grants management, project delivery, data policy and working with local government. She enjoys working with communities and wanted to join the governing body after her son became part of the school Fair Trade Committee. 
Maxine Stanford 

Maxine has worked at Heathwood for over 25 years. She thoroughly enjoys her work and is looking forward to being able to support the school community as a Governor

Jackie Wright  

Jackie has been part of the school community since 2000, as a parent, a member of the PTA, a teacher and a senior leader.  She has been a teacher since 2008 at Heathwood and became the full time Headteacher in May 2023.  Jackie is a trained Maths Specialist Teacher and has recently gained her Senior Mental Health Lead qualification. Jackie is passionate about Heathwood and strives to lead the school to provide all children with a positive educational experience

Governors Voting Rights Summary 
Voting Rights  Non Voting Rights 

Paula Bangs  Chair Co opted Governor 
Jim Whitaker Vice Chair Co opted Governor 
Maxine Stanford  Staff Governor 
Susanne Dove Co opted Governor  

Eugenia Kidd Parent Governor

Jackie Wright  Headteacher 
Kelly Burley Clerk 

Governors Roles and Responsibilities 


Governor Type

Link Responsibilities

Committee Responsibilities


Paula Bangs

Co-opt Governor


Safeguarding (inc monitoring and filtering)

Diversity, Equalities and Inclusion (including SEND, PPG and vulnerable pupils)

Pupil voice & values



Early years

Strategic Planning

Pay Committee Chair


Jim Whitaker

Co-opt Governor

Vice Chair

Health and Safety


Pay Committee Vice Chair (shared)

Complaints Committee Vice Chair

27.02.2024 – 27.02.2028

Susanne Dove

Co-opt Governor

Diversity, Equalities and Inclusion (including SEND, PPG and vulnerable pupils)


Pupil voice & values  wellbeing


Complaints Committee member

13.09.2023 – 13.09.2027

Eugenia Kidd

Parent Governor

Website overview and governance section

Contracts (internal/external)


Pay Committee Vice Chair (shared)


30.11.2023 – 30.11.2027

Maxine Stanford

Staff Governor



09.09.2024 – 09.09.2025

(Second term)


Beth Sedgwick

Associate Governor

Strategic Planning (360-degree feedback)

Complaints Committee Chair


Jackie Wright



