We provide every child with a Heathwood Planner which includes:
Our school vision and values
Term Dates
Home School Agreement
Code of Conduct
Online Safety Policy
Log in details for pupils for school systems
A record of merits
A copy of children's targets
A diary which you can use to communicate between school and home.
We produce a monthly newsletter which includes up to date information on events in school and the local community. This is sent to you via text message which opens the document directly on your mobile device. We keep a rolling 12 months of the newsletter on the website for your reference.
Text and Email
We also use texting as a regular form of communication between school and home. We send reminders of important dates, reminders and useful information. You can speak to the Class Teacher for any immediate concerns at drop off and pick up. Please email the office if you wish to speak to the Class Teacher in depth about any issues.
General Administration e.g. Appointments, Medical,School meals |
Face to face via the school office, telephone or email. | 01525 377096 |
School Admissions | Office Team | 01525 377096 |
School Attendance | Office Team | 01525 377096 |
Finance queries including childcare vouchers | Mrs Michelle Taylor (Please note Mrs Taylor works until 1pm) |
01525 377096 |
SEND queries | Mr Paul Dicker SENDCo | 01525 377096 |
Pre-School | Mrs Tasmin Morrell | 01525 377096 |
Pupil Premium Grant | Speak to the school office in confidence or contact Central Beds Council directly | 0300 300 8306 /info/53/benefits/4/free_school_meals/3 |
Safeguarding concerns | Mrs Wright Designated Safeguarding Lead |
01525 377096 |
Useful links
Articulation of Phonemes
Following our 'Supporting Reading' meeting some parents thought it would be useful to have a link to this Youtube clip to remind them of how they, and their children, should say and learn the sounds for the letters of the alphabet and the consonant digraphs.
Advisory Centre for Education
An independent advice service offering information about state education. They have a free telephone advice line on many subjects including bullying, special educational needs and school admission appeals.
Child Care Link
Provides information on childcare provision, job vacancies, leisure activities and family support available in the local area.
Parentview - Have your say
Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about your child’s school.
Parent View asks for your opinion on 12 aspects of your child’s school, from the quality of teaching, to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour.
DFE Performance Tables