Heathwood Lower School Leighton Buzzard

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Welcome to Class R's Web Page



Hello everyone and welcome to our Class R Website page.  On here you should find all the key information you may need, but please do get in touch with us (by email/telephone, or drop a note in the diary) if there is anything else we can help you with. 


Class Teacher -  Mrs Amy Marsh

PPA Cover - Miss Talia Romaine

Support Staff -  Mrs Hannah Ottaway & Mrs Maxine Stanford

                                                                                                                              Class R Curriculum Overview


Class R Passport


Our topics this year will be;

Autumn 1 -  Let's ExploreKnowledge Organisers 


Autumn 2 -  Marvellous MachinesKnowledge Organisers 

 Spring 1 -  Long AgoKnowledge Organisers 

 Spring 2 -  Ready Steady GrowKnowledge Organisers  


Summer 1 -  Animal SafariKnowledge Organisers 


Summer 2 - On the Beach       Knowledge Organisers  



PE Days

Our PE days this term are Wednesday and Thursday.

For outdoor PE you will need to make sure you have your outdoor PE kit in school; trainers, black jogging bottoms, your purple Heathwood top and a black jumper/sweatshirt.  We also recommend you bring a pair of socks so if we get wet and muddy then you don’t have to spend the rest of the day with soggy feet!

For indoor PE you will need a pair of black shorts and your purple Heathwood top.

Usually we ask for PE kits to be kept in school at all times, however, due to the current situation we will be sending their kits home on a Friday for washing over the weekend and we will need them returned on the Monday. 

Reading at home

Please read with your child at least three times at home each week, we cannot stress enough the importance of this and the difference it truly makes.  We want your children to love reading, this doesn’t mean getting stressed about fitting in reading their school book into your busy daily schedule, it means making reading a special time between you, where you cuddle up and read a story of your child’s choice, or a page of a magazine they have been excited to read, it’s reading the signs as you wait in the waiting room or reading the sign posts you see on the way home.  We will send home reading books that are at your child’s phonics level once we have completed their baseline and some sharing books for you to read to your child. Focus on a love of reading and the rest will come!

When you read with your child please record it in their diary and they will be rewarded with house points, praise, stickers and stamps!  Bonus points available for those who read more than three times a week!

Reading books will only be allocated on Mondays, so all books must be returned to School on Monday morning.


Once your child has settled and they have completed their baseline, they will begin to learn letter sounds and names through a program called ‘Twinkl’ phonics.  We use Twinkl phonic actions to help support us with the teaching and learning and the children love coming home and being the teachers! Please encourage them to teach you at home!  Don’t forget for them to have taught you successfully they need to teach you the sound, the letter name and the action!


Weather appropriate clothing

Please ensure your child is sent to school with weather appropriate clothing all year round, e.g. wellies and gloves if it has snowed and a sun hat and sun cream if it is sunny!  In Reception Class we make the most of the outdoor environment and set up outside learning opportunities whatever the weather, so it is important that your child comes to school prepared with the right clothing.  We also ask that a coat is brought to school with your child everyday as we all know how the weather starts at 8.30am is not always the way it remains!

Kindness Buckets

We know nobody knows your child better than you do! We strive to work in partnership throughout your child’s learning journey. We will send home some Kindness Buckets with your child at the start of every term, but please ask us if you need more! Kindness Buckets are for you to share moments when you are really proud of your child with us. This could be when they have cleared away their toys or helped you bring the shopping in or it could be when they have been really kind to their sibling or just given you a lovely hug for no reason. If they do anything that fills someone's kindness bucket then please let us know. 

When your child brings in a Kindness Bucket into school, they will celebrate by sharing it with the rest of the class and be rewarded with stickers and house points! 

Your child will have a log in for Numbots and Purple Mash.  These will be placed in their School Diaries; please log in and have a go at some of the activities!  If your child particularly enjoys an activity please let us know and we will encourage their friends to try it too!

Educational Trips and Visitors

Spring Term:  Milton Keynes Museum. Estimated cost £15 

Summer Term:    Whipsnade Zoo. Estimated cost               


As always, if there is anything you wish to discuss then please put a message in your child's diary or email the office and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your continued support.

The Class R Team


Reading Workshop Information for Parents