Heathwood Lower School Leighton Buzzard

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Welcome to Class 2’s Web Page


Welcome to Class 2’s web page.  Here you should be able to find all the information you need, however if there is something we’ve missed please feel free to pop a note in your child’s diary and we will be sure to check them daily.



Class Teacher - Mrs Tracey Cunningham

PPA Cover - Miss Talia Romaine

Support Staff - Mrs Belinda Hinds, Mrs Stacey Posner

We will also have some support during the week from our Language Provision Support team; Mrs Bisby


Class        Class 2 Curriculum Overview

                 Class 2 Passport

Autumn - Movers and Shakers  Knowledge Organisers 

Spring -   Coastlines Knowledge Organisers 


Summer- Magnificent MonarchsKnowledge Organisers  





 PE Days

We will be doing PE every Monday and Tuesday so please ensure P.E. kits are in school.

For outdoor PE you will need to make sure you have your outdoor PE kit in school, trainers, black jogging bottoms, your purple Heathwood top and a black jumper. We also recommend you bring a pair of socks so if we get wet and muddy then you don’t have to spend the rest of the day with soggy feet! 

For indoor PE you will need a pair of black shorts and your purple Heathwood top.

We complete our daily mile on the running track every day, therefore we ask that a pair of trainers be left in school at all times.

PE kit will be sent home every Friday to be washed.

 Reading at home

We ask that you try to read with your children as much as possible. Reading three times a week gains ten house points and more than three times is rewarded with twenty house points - but your child’s diary must be signed by you for them to achieve the house points, so please remember to write in the diary.  If you need any guidance or support with this, please get in touch with us, (remember anything reading can be recorded, not just their school reading book).

 We encourage you to support your child’s reading by spending time listening to them read, reading to them, talking about what you have just read and, most importantly, enjoying reading! We want your child to love reading, this doesn’t mean getting stressed about fitting reading their school book into your busy schedule, it can be you reading to them, sharing a snippet of a magazine, or reading a recipe together as you cook dinner!

I will aim to listen to your child as often as possible; we encourage reading across the curriculum. I will hear all children read at least once a week during guided reading sessions, and the Class 2 team and myself plan to add other reading opportunities to hear individual readers throughout the week.

Remember there are house points and prizes for those children who are reading lots at home!

The children now also have access to MyON which is an online portal that allows them to read and enjoy hundreds of books. Please encourage your children to use this website as independently as possible. 

Reading books will only be allocated on Mondays, so ALL books must be returned to School every Monday morning.


We will have a weekly spelling lesson every Friday and we will spend the following week focusing on those spelling words during our daily handwriting sessions. We will send home the weekly spelling words in your child’s Green Spelling Book on a Friday after our spelling lesson. At home there is space in the Green Spelling Book for children to practise their spellings, labelled ‘Try 1’ and ‘Try 2’. Please support your child to look, say, cover, write and check. We collect Spelling Books in and give house points to children who have been practising at home.


 Whole School Enrichment

Whole school Enrichment will take place slightly differently this year with children remaining in their class groups. It will still take part every Friday afternoon and will be made up of a weekly carousel of enriching activities to engage children’s learning experience. This will undoubtedly remain a special and valuable part of both the children’s and adult’s week.

 Times tables

By the end of Year 2 we hope that children will all be secure in their 2, 5 and 10x tables. We will complete daily counting using the counting stick and children will regularly use the Tablets to work on their fluency.

Extra practise of time tables and counting at home will be incredibly beneficial for your child!

 At home

Your child has access to MyON and Purple Mash at home! Please feel free to go onto these sites for fun games, activities and learning tools that can support your child across the curriculum. Login details are available in your child’s diary. If you experience problems accessing this, please come jot a note in your child’s diary and we will do our best to help.

Occasionally I may set some homework based around subjects that are being covered in class. For example, the children may be asked to produce a small project relating to our topic or to complete a book review/maths challenge. We will send home information about such homework in plenty of time so that the children are aware of it.

Educational Trips and Journeys

Autumn Term: Whipsnade Zoo. Voluntary contribution £14.60.



As always, if there is anything you need to discuss, please feel free to note a message in your child’s diary and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Thank you for your continued support,

The Class 2 Team 



Reading Workshop Information for Parents

Handouts from Reading Workshop

Phonics Presentation for Parents

How to Help Your Child Learn to Read

Parents' Guide to Phonics and Reading

Maths Presentation for Parents